Nossas certificações
Confira abaixo todas as nossas MasterClass e realize a certificação
Nossas Certificações:
Capture and Delight the New Traveler with Great Guest Experience
In this masterclass, you will learn how to identify your guest's needs and act upon this feedback before during, and after their stay. In today's competitive landscape, guest experience will make the difference.
Capture e surpreenda o novo viajante com ótimas experiências
Neste workshop, você aprenderá como identificar as necessidades do seu hóspede e agir de acordo com esse feedback antes, durante e depois da estada.
Construindo uma estratégia de reserva direta eficaz
Junte-se a Rita Amaral, Senior Business Development Manager na The Hotels Network nesta masterclass e torne-se um especialista em transformar os visitantes do seu website em reservas.
Revenue Management 360º
- Understand the importance of KPI´s
- Understand the importance of 360° Revenue Management strategy
- Analyze and correlate Revenue Management variables in favor of increasing your profitability
- How stay ahead of your competition
- Analyze and correlate Revenue Management variables in favor of increasing your profitability
- How stay ahead of your competition
Captación del Cliente Online
*Comprender la ruta hacia la compra
*Generar tu presencia de marca online
*Desarrollar una estrategia eficaz para lograr la captación de su cliente online.
*Cómo captar reservas directas desde tu website
*Generar tu presencia de marca online
*Desarrollar una estrategia eficaz para lograr la captación de su cliente online.
*Cómo captar reservas directas desde tu website
Solving the pricing problem
Value-based pricing requires determining what your customers truly value. This can include a high willingness to pay for products and features important for a particular stay, the lowest rate for price-sensitive guests, and everything in between.
Como Crear una estrategia de reserva directa eficaz
- Cómo aprovechar los datos para impulsar el canal directo
- Estrategias para mejorar la tasa de conversión web
- Técnicas de personalización web
- Cómo utilizar la IA para optimizar tu estrategia de promoción
- Estrategias para mejorar la tasa de conversión web
- Técnicas de personalización web
- Cómo utilizar la IA para optimizar tu estrategia de promoción
The evolution of retailing in hospitality
Learn the driving factors behind the evolution of retailing in Hospitality including the way industries outside of travel have created heightened customer expectations.
What will the Future of Revenue Management look like?
Join Nicolò on a journey into the future of hotel revenue management as it applies to: the global hospitality industry; the hotel guest journey and hotel technology.
Review 2021 and plan for 2022:
When you review your business at the end of the year, do you always ask: So What? Why is this piece of information relevant and how will I use it to grow my business? ...
Fudamentos de SEO para empresas de turismo
Introducción al SEO: vamos a entender de qué trata, cómo funciona y por qué es importante.
Hotel Marketing on Youtube and get your certificate
The time has come for your business in master the number two search engine in the wordl: Youtube.
Redução de custos operacionais com cloud
De forma prática e com exemplos reais, a Masterclass mostra os desperdícios resolvidos e as oportunidades.
Automatización Hotelera
Nuevas estrategias para mejorar la experiencia del cliente
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Depoimento sobre as Master Class
Nossas Master Class entregam muito conhecimento e marcam os participantes